this picture was taken from our upstairs. notice how she carefully positioned herself underneath our coffee table so that she could still fit her whole body on the rug. this was maybe the most ridiculous thing that has happened yet. we proceeded to try and wake her up by making noise: slamming doors, playing music, talking. she did not budge. finally, i walked downstairs with my roommate, said, "excuse me." and she woke up with a sheepish grin on her face. we told her to go home for the day.
later in the day, we had thanksgiving at a restaurant that is owned by an American on the bottom floor of our office building. here is a picture of my roommates and i from that:
after dinner (which was medium good-south asia just doesn't do thanksgiving) we went to see Casino Royale. seeing a movie here is an experience in itself. first, you have assigned seating. second, everyone claps and cheers anytime they think something is worth either of those actions. third, they cut any scandalous parts of the movie. fine by me, but, that leaves holes and gaps in the plot and dialogue. fourth, there is an intermission in the middle. for about ten minutes. they just stop the movie where ever it is and everyone can get up and go to the bathroom or get refreshments.
friday was work again, and then on saturday we had a official christmas season kick off at the house of a guy who works for the consulate here. this is our young person crew minus a few:
that's all for now. i'm off to meet up with some ex pats who were wandering the same grocery store as us this past saturday. every westerner over here is automatically friends by default of living here and being westernized. happy christmas season.