Sunday, April 01, 2007

Matt: i was like..marianne is getting interviewed on the looked like you were on cnn

ha. if only.

this weekend, south asia is winning in our ongoing battle.
1. i got incredibly sick last night, and didn't go to bed until 7:00 am this morning.
2. my atm card would not work.
3. my atm card does not work because unbeknownest to me, it expired yesterday.
4. there were riots/protests yesterday. i had to stay inside my flat all day until it was over.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

south asia may have won the weekend, but i hear ma skulls has a big advantage for tuesday's battle... or is it wednesday already for you... i have such a hard time with all the time travel. maybe it's already june in south asia, how would i know...