Tuesday, October 24, 2006

just another afternoon at the office, snacking on some sugarcane. (better pictures to come soon)


Noel Heikkinen said...

I am a big fan of sugar cane. However, after snacking on it for a summer, I can hardly eat sugary stuff anymore. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me, but I ended up here by accident from Noel's blog and read what you are doing. I saw where you said South Asia with IJM, but I didn't see any details on exactly where you are or the specific mission there? Thailand? Cambodia?

Maybe there are international/legal reasons you can't say, but if not I'd be interested to hear more. I'm bookmarking your page now.

I'm a bit jealous, I miss that hemisphere...

Anonymous said...

I spent 6 months in Papua New Guinea helping missionaries with building projects, etc. Finding a hunk of sugar-cane to chew on during a hike was a regular occurrence. Best 6 months of my life...

It was no doubt quite a different experience than what you're doing, but that sounds equally as amazing. I just read some stuff on the IJM site and it seems to be a great organization you're working with. I went in April with Noel and a few others to Amsterdam and helped with an org. working in the red-light district; it was appalling to hear about some of the international slavery issues that get funneled through there.

Speaking of Noel, are you friends or more just church acquaintances? Do/did you go to Riverview?

wow, that got long quick... I'm gonna blame the narrow column.

brett@eriv.net (easier?)