Sunday, January 07, 2007

we have found a random three foot space of wireless network at our apartment that occasionally works, hence the more frequent updating. well, there was december and now january. i had a birthday, there was also christmas, new year's, and a trip to thailand. so, here are some pictures mostly because i'm finding that lately i'm not doing well with articulating and detailing all of the events. the day to day becomes the day to day no matter where you are in the world i suppose. so, on with the pictures.

here i am happy as can be about going to the beach for my birthday.

then we went out to dinner:

next, was christmas. this was our christmas morning spread:

nothing even comparable to home, but not too bad for three girls living off of volunteer budgets in south asia.

we had all of our young people friends over for brunch. we made fruit salad, scrambled eggs, pancakes, crepes, toast, and banana bread.
we also had a mandatory rule that you had to wear your pajamas just like you would if you were at home with your family on christmas morning. it was great.

later in the afternoon we went over to one of our boss' house for dinner and a gift exchange with thirty or so other ex-pats. we did manage to get in a fight with our auto driver along the way. no, i'm not kidding, my roommate punched him in the shoulder! he was trying to do some serious swindling and just being sketchy in general. in the end it was more humorous than anything..but still quite surreal! i got to hang out with my boss' daughter, Adelaide, who is rivaling my old babysitting girl, Abbie, for being my favorite child in the world.

okay. it takes ages to load pictures here because the internet connections are so slow/bad. so i will do pictures of thailand another time. i've been told that people often are asking for updates, maybe an easier way to fill in the gap would be to get on my mass email list which i send updates out to. if you want to be added to that, just leave a comment on any of my posts with your email address, and i will add you! :)


Anonymous said...

add me add me add me! :)

love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey- I just kind of found your blog randomly, but I would love to find out more about what you're doing and with whom in SE Asia. I spent 4 months in Thailand recently and would love to work in the region when I graduate. You could send me just a quick email at if you're up to it.

Brett said...

You don't know me, but I'd be interested in hearing more about what you're doing over there, so you can add me to your list;